This week for our 21 from 21 series, we’re off to Spain to look back at the commercially successful regeneration of Parc Vallès in 2016 in which we designed the branding, wayfinding signage, marketing communications and façade transformation.
Owned by retail specialist developers Pradera since 2006, this is a mixed-use scheme located just 30 kilometres from the beautiful city of Barcelona which had suffered over the years. It lacked atmosphere during the day and the nightclubs gave it a somewhat challenging, nocturnal reputation which detracted visitors. Our job was to redesign the branding, wayfinding signage, marketing communications and building façades transformation. We started with the branding to help sell the new family friendly vision to some key new retailers such as Nike and Mango.
The €8.2m revitalisation investment aimed to remove the nightclubs and create a 42,000 sq m hybrid destination with 51 units over 2-levels, including a 24-screen multiplex cinema, bars, restaurants, bowling, virtual reality centre and new retail. New fashion outlets like Nike and Mango were also introduced.
Our new logo symbol mirrors the structure of a valley, as Parc Vallès sits within the valleys of Barcelona. A vibrant colour palette was used to create a contemporary, fashionable, and distinctive design, updating the outdated Sun and Moon logo. We painted the façades an elegant dark colour to boldly contrast against the bright logo and the retail outlet symbols such as the orange Nike tick and Mango – making them stand out even more. The elegant facade treatment complements the vibrant graphic pattern, and surrounding environment, transforming the architecture and public realm within a modest budget. Air also provided centre management with a wayfinding package and a detailed set of brand guidelines and templates to support the consumer marketing campaign.
By designing the Parc Vallès experience with families in mind, we helped transform the scheme into a place that people identify with and enjoy visiting. Footfall immediately increased by 22%, asset value by 17% and store owners said the image renewal energised the park, pushed trade and unified businesses and services under the same brand. Pradera successfully sold the asset to Frey in 2018 for €82.5M