Five Key Design Considerations for Information Desks

Information desks are key to enhancing the visitor experience. In this article, CEO Alan Robertson explores five essential design considerations to ensure information desks are both functional and welcoming.

1. Customer Experience (CX) and Usability for Information Desks

Planning is crucial.

If you have a Customer Experience team ask them to help prepare the functional brief. If not, do your best to create it on your own. This brief outlines the services required to operate from the desk and the staffing needed for smooth operation. Without it, your designers won’t be able to create a solution that works effectively for your specific destination.

2. Functionality and Layout of Information Desks

How does the functional brief resolve itself in a flat layout plan?

What are the ergonomic considerations for customers interacting with the desk, staff and any digital interactive elements that may be incorporated? How can you ensure accessibility for all including those with mental, sensory or physical impairments? Produce simple wireframe drawings that answer these points as a first step in the design process.

3. Desk Location for Information Desks

Where will the desk be positioned within the environment? It’s important to avoid placing it in an area where it could be overlooked.

While we understand the high leasable value of prime visibility spots, a balance must be found. Prioritising customer service sends a strong message about how much you value their experience at your destination. Choose a location that isn’t your most valuable space but is easy to access, where people naturally pass by and offers clear sightlines.

4. Brand Alignment in Information Desk Design

Customer service reflects the value you place on delivering exceptional experiences, and it’s more important than ever.

Design a functional desk that aligns closely with your destination brand. Consider the materials, shape, graphics, technology integration, and overall aesthetic. Aim for a balance between high functionality and visual appeal.

5. Ensuring Seamless Connectivity for Information Desks

Every destination has a wider navigation and information system. The desk is a key component of this.

Ensure the desk is seamlessly integrated into this system by aligning its design both aesthetically and digitally. This way, it becomes an integral part of the overall customer service experience, rather than an isolated, standalone piece.

Red Sea Mall Information Desk render